Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Katy Perry Never Fail to Surprise Us with Her Music Video

Hello there Katy!

I really like Katy Perry's songs and music videos. You can tell that she really put efforts into it. I've seen some crappy music video where the singer is either sitting in a bath tub throughout the entire video or just stands there and sings.

Katy's newest song 'Birthday' amazes me. Firstly, her lyric video is very nice and colourful! It has a lot of cakes and sweets that make people feel hungry by just looking at it. I love all those cute and nice cake designs and it's very creative.

Check it out yourself.

It's only a lyric video but she made it into a yummylicious one. You go Katy! After watching this, I anticipated for her music video even more and it turns out to be great!

Katy disguised as five different characters and crashed people's parties, yet nobody recognised her. I didn't believe that goldie the dance was her in the beginning because it looked so real haha.

Check out the official video and enjoy. :)

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