Thursday, June 12, 2014

Steam Pork Rips 豆豉蒸排骨

Hi everyone. =)

Today I'm gonna share with you this delicious yet simple steam pork ribs. Yes I know, it's pork ribs again haha.

One of the reasons I like to use pork ribs is that it is easy to prepare and won't take too much time mincing or cutting it. When I buy the pork ribs, the butcher will cut it into small pieces for me so I don't have to cut anything at all. It also has less fat; if there is, it's only a little.

I did 2 versions just to see which one is nicer.
1st version: Steam only
2nd version: Fried and steam

Let's go to the ingredients.

Ingredients: 1 pork rib 肋排骨 (for each version), 5-6 cloves of garlic (finely chopped), 2-3 shallots/1 small onion (sliced), some finely chopped ginger, some finely chopped chili (normal red chili, don't use small chili, it will be too spicy), some 'dou chi' (salted black beans) 豆豉, some spring onions, cooking oil 
Seasoning: Oyster sauce, soy sauce, cooking wine, salt, sugar, sesame oil, white pepper, some flour (for the fried version)
Portion: 2 persons

1st version: Steam only
The seasonings that you need for both versions.

Firstly, wash the pork ribs and marinate it with some oyster sauce, some soy sauce, some cooking wine, some salt, some sugar, some sesame oil, and some white pepper.

The amount is really based on your preference. You will need to add a bit more than the seasonings that you usually use to marinate your meat because when you steam it, the water produced by the steam will dilute the seasonings.

Marinate it for at least 1 hour or overnight.

Prepare some 'dou chi'. Wash and soak it for a few seconds. 

Don't put too much as it's quite salty.

This is the 'dou chi' that I'm using.

You can get this in supermarket or wet market. I bought mine at the wet market for 70 or 80 cents only (a very small packet).

Prepare some red chili and ginger, chop it finely.

Then, add the 'dou chi', red chili, and ginger to the pork ribs.

Mix well.

Steam it over boiling water for 25 minutes.

While waiting for it, prepare some garlic and small onion (I run out of shallots, so I replace it with small onion).

Chop the garlic finely and cut the small onion into slices.

When it's around 15-20 minutes, sprinkle some spring onions on it and continue to steam.

This is how it looks after 25 minutes.

Then, heat some oil in the wok to fry the small onions and garlic.

Yumm~ Smell sooo nice!!

Put those small onions, garlic as well as some oil on the pork rips. This step is an important step to me as it adds a strong onion and garlic fragrance to the dish.

2nd version: Fried and steam

Wash and clean the pork ribs.

Marinate it. The longer you marinate it, the stronger the flavour.

Add some flour (all purpose flour).

Mix well.

Heat some oil in the wok.

Make sure your wok is hot before you pour in the oil and also make sure the oil is hot enough before you fry the pork ribs (so that it doesn't stick).

Let it fry for 3-5 minutes on each side.

Turn to the other side.

This is how it looks like after frying.

Chop the garlic finely.

I run out of shallots or small onions.

Fry until it's golden brown. Just love the fragrance of fry garlic!

Remove it from the wok and keep in a bowl first.

Add in finely chopped red chili and washed 'dou chi'. I run out of ginger as well. >.<

Steam it over boiling water for 10 minutes (as it's already half cooked, you don't need to steam it for too long time).

Add in some spring onions after 5 minutes. Take the previously fried garlic and put it on the pork ribs. It's done and ready to be served.

This version will be more oily than the 1st one. People who want to cut oil can try the 1st version. The difference in the 2nd version is that the pork ribs are more fragrant as you fried it before you steam.

Choose whichever version that suits you best.

I hope you like it and enjoy!

Do try it out. =)

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